
This game was made for the Beginners Circle #3 Game Jam.

The theme of the Game Jam was Another Planet, and the game was based on Another Planet.

The Idea is to run on a endless platform.

Your Goal

Your Goal is to get the farthest.

Or speed running it by getting to the farthest in a amount of time  or get to a distance in least amount of time . 

submitting speed run coming soon


Keyboard Controls

[left] keymove left
[right] keymove right
[space] keyjump
right [shift]jump

Touch controls (on screen controls)

[left] buttonmove left
[right] buttonmove right
[Jump] buttonjump

On the main menu you can switch on and off the touch controls

Always check this page for updates

Current Version: 1.1.0


Windows-Planet Jumper(1.1.0)(Tested) 65 MB
MacOS-Planet Jumper(1.1.0)(Untested) 63 MB
Linux-Planet Jumper(1.1.0)(Untested) 69 MB
Android-Planet Jumper(1.1.0)(Tested on Anidroid 9.0) 1.9 MB

Install instructions


For windows it is tested, Windows will say it is not trusted, just allow it. Any anti-virus software will say it is doing weird things just allow it, and you are done.


Not Tested, will like some help, message in community


Not Tested, will like some help, message in community


If you have the before version (1.0.0) installed , uninstall it and install the new one or else you will get two versions of the game

Download the android version (runs well on Android 5.0 and above)

Go to downloads and tap the .apk, at the bottom of the installer window, click install

You'll see a confirmation the game is installed. Now open the game

Any issues found in the downloadable or online version write in the comments

Development log